Can you work one day without being paid?
How much matters the payment?
[This is a special post for Rene. a translation of the article published a few weeks ago]
The success is based on the passion. I like to think so. After I’ve changed many jobs, I started to wonder if the next job I will go will be for more money or more passion. Meanwhile, the salary has grown nicely, but I was going home really tensioned and nervous. I tried at that moment a little introspection and at one point I came to the question
Have you another reason to work than to receive a payment?I guess you do not work for revenge or because you are getting bored at home and you want to meet some cool guys.
Personally, I prefer to work on topics that I’m passionate about. Of course, there are always other things to do than ones that excite you most, but at least once a week I’m working on something that brings me joy.
The last trends in human resource management include “engagement officers”(a kind of officers responsible for the mood and motivation of employers), methods and procedures of retention, benefits and compensation plans. All based on two directions: Talent that you are born with. And passion, that you need to arouse every day. Or, at least once or twice a month.
And if the things you’re passionate about you can not do them without payment, then it’s even harder to be motivated, to get over the frustrations inherent of any job, to get up after a failure or to enjoy after a success. All matters less, everything costs more.
Everything is relative, and for me, it’s important to do for others what I would do for myself. The way that passion is stimulated in a team depends on of the manager, as well as the team. People are different and they have a different way of being motivated. Still, on the basis of everything is the fascinating, essential topic of communication.
2 responses to “How much matters the payment?”
Iti citesc blogul de ceva vreme, mai pe fuga, fain articolul.
Totusi mi se pare ca modelul prezentat este putin egoist, satisface nevoile eu-lui, exista o limita de “igiena” , dupa care eu-l este satisfacut si apar alte nevoi. Exista si alte nivele, care trebuiesc luate in considerare. Mai exact vorbesc despre asta: -
Multumesc pentru idee.
Nu incerc sa ofer modele atotcuprinzatoare, ci mai mult food for thought.
O sa incerc sa scriu, la un moment dat, despre ce te tine intr-un grup, organizatie, companie, mai departe de nevoile de baza descrise de Maslow.
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