

Am vreo saptamana de cand minunatul telefon Samsung Galaxy S2 si-a oprit functionarea normala dupa un incident domestic compus dintr-o cheie si posteriorul subsemnatului.
Dupa o perioada de vreo 3-4 ore de nervi, am inceput sa observ si ceva avantaje ale dezastrului. O sursa de distractie in minus (a se citi ca in engleza, distracted) si mai mult timp pentru cei din jur. Ca lucrurile sa inceapa sa iasa bine, am aflat ca nu e mare smecherie Gorilla Glass. Puteti privi pe youtube ce se intampla cand scapi telefonul.
Mai apoi, Robin Sharma a trimis unul dintre emailurile lui pline de energie in care spune ca lucrul, ideile se fac in liniste, ne-distras de nimic.
Reproduc mai jos din newsletterul lui, in care vorbeste despre Peter Starck, unul dintre designerii de top de la aceasta ora.

Here’s an excerpt that’s really worth thinking quietly about in this world of “dramatic distraction” and “really busy being busy”:

HBR Interviewer: “What’s the secret to working so quickly and productively?” 

Starck: “I am sort of a modern monk. We don’t go to dinners. We don’t go to cocktails. We don’t go to movies. We don’t watch TV. I don’t use my energy on other people. I just work and read. I live with myself in front of my white page (My Note: yes, he works with a simple pencil and piece of paper). 

…Of course, for much of the year I have to travel and speak to journalists, engineers and things like that. It’s the worst. But from the 15th of June until the 15th of September, I live completely secluded–locked in one of my houses–working from 8 am until 8 at night–or making my own biorhythm; work 3 hours, sleep 45 minutes, work 3 hours, sleep 45 minutes for 24 hours, without eating.” 

“It’s a little sick. But I’m like Dr. Faust. I signed a contract with the devil to sell my life for Creativity.” 


Interviul integral cu Phillippe Starck pe

Dar ce vreau sa va spun este ca facebook, email, linkedin sau televizorul va tin din treburile voastre. Si nu prea va tin mintea treaza, ci mai mult adormita. Si in general obosita.


Switch on/ Switch off!

Sunt doua lucruri pe care am vrut sa vi le impartasesc, chiar daca nu am reusit o traducere completa in romaneste. Dar, ce voi face zilele astea, in spiritul celor ce vi le-am impartasit: complete switch off de la munci, vreo 2-3 ore de munca la un concept de conferinte pentru managerii din IT si in rest, focus pe familie.

Va urez liniste in suflet si sarbatori de Paste curate celor care credeti! Celorlalti, vacanta placuta!

Cartea te face neprost!

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